Saturday, August 30, 2008

Parents of the Year

Don't judge me, but there are words in my life that I have used for as long as I can remember. I don't recall ever really really getting in trouble for using these words, although I do remember hearing someone coin them as "Christian cuss words." I don't use real cuss words. (Well, I try not to.) Anyhow. 
Today we met my in-laws for lunch. It was a nice lunch, but the kids were pretty worn out, so we cut out a bit early, hoping that they would both take a nice, long snooze in the car. It's been a bit cooler here, since our streak of 90+ degree weather, but today, was again, pretty hot. The boy was so sleepy and needy, so I was carrying him out to the car. As I put him in the back seat and begin to buckle him in, he says "mama, it's freakin' hot. it's freakin' hot, huh?" Yup. Parents of the Year.