Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dirty, but fun!!

This past weekend was crazy, but fun! We celebrated both of the kids' birthdays in one party. I'm pretty sure this will be the last year we can get away with that, so we did. :)
I'll post some pics from the party as soon as I get them off the camera, but here's one from our Sunday afternoon-evening at home.
We put together the trampouline that my friend from work gave to us, as a surprise for the kids for their birthday party. They loved it! So, we came home and jumped on the trampouline and then Rob made a fire and we roasted hotdogs. So fun and So relaxing! Here's a pic of me and my dirty babies!!!!
Not long after we took this, it was off to the tub and then to bed. They were both out about a minute after I laid them down. Just down right tuckered out! :) I love these babies!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Planting Flowers!

It was beautiful today! A little windy, but pretty! And since tomorrow we are having a party for the kiddos for their birthdays... thought it would be nice to have some flowers in my front planter. Rob had to work, so the babies and I got up early and headed to buy flowers. My sister-in-law came along, which was awesome, cause the boy really just wanted to run around... she's a great help! Both kids got to pick out two flowers... they are pretty funny! EmJ chose pink-she's such a girl and Superboy chose blue-such the boy! Here's some pictures of the three of us planting flowers! I hope this is something we can do together every year!
Gavin got bored after a bit and took off to play, but EmJ had a great time making giving herself a mud facial! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Superboy!!!

Four years ago our lives changed forever!! And so much for the better!
Little boy... You are amazing!! You are so smart and funny and full of life!
You keep mama and daddy on our toes and will forever keep us young.
Thank you for trusting us even as we make so many mistakes! I love how you love and care for your sissy... And I love that you call her 'little' :) I hope you always do! Mama and daddy are so blessed to be part of you life! Happy 4th birthday, buddy!! I love you more than you know!!