Saturday, June 14, 2008

I think I'm Finally Figuring This Thing Out...

I changed my layout. I think I like it. I should be sleeping, but since we FINALLY have internet at home (Long story... our house is great, but really old!) I'm able to play a bit more. I figured out how to add music too. Wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I LOVE the two songs that I chose. Marie Digby... she's so sweet! This song is a cover, but when I listened to her sing it... it became so real. I can really relate. The Plumb song... Rob put that on the girl's One Year Slideshow. (He started this tradition with the boy. I love it. He takes all of the pictures from their first year and makes me a slideshow... complete with music and everything.) This song makes me cry. I teach my "kids"--this is what I call the kids that I work with-- about the emotion and power in music. Funny, sometimes I forget that...


Kym said...

We have teh same sort of tradition with pictures, except we take all of the pictures we have taken over the course of the entire year and make a slideshow, and watch them on New Year's Day. What an awesome way to keep their first year alive though, I love it. Mom is doing well, we are all still here in St. Louis. Its great to "see" you again too...

Sherry said...

I love the new layout-Luke played with mine and couldn't get it to work, so it ended up green-which is ok, it is my favorite color.

Brek's convinced that "we need a baby sister named Emery...not a brother, I already have Sy. I don't want another one." Poor girl's gone be bummed.

Kym said...

I'm glad Gavin's nose is ok, we've made a few visits to urgent care/ER's in our time, Jackson is all boy as well. We thought he might have fractured his leg when he was about Gavin's age, when we took him to urgent care the doctor examined him and then asked him if he thought his leg was ok enough to walk to the freezer for a popsicle. Of course he did it and then for a year every time he got hurt he asked to go to the hospital!

Kym said...

Happy Fathers Day to Rob as well. BTW, how did you add music? I can't make it work on mine for some reason...

Kara said...

Miss you too. I haven't been to church in a while. We were up at Golden Bell last weekend visiting Levi, Danielle and their new Saint Bernard puppy.

Angela said...

Ooo, I like your new layout. What a cute picture at the top!

I'll be back in CO in the 2nd week of August, staying at Golden Bell for a few weeks to be an extra pair of hands and help D & L out with the baby. Baby??! I still can hardly believe my little sis is about to have a little boy.